Monday, July 11, 2011

The evolution of war


Soldiers: No fixed army (even mercenaries) -> Professional soldiers (NS)
- Recruitment: Anyone welcome -> Satisfy specific requirements
- Organisation: No organisation -> Complex organising of soldiers
Civilians: Neutral -> Occasionally siding a group

Location: Land -> Land, air, sea
- Specific location: Within continent -> World wide (WWII)
-- Battles: Targeting cities -> Targeting cities and key resources(oil fields)
--- Location: Anywhere -> Edge given to the defenders (high ground)

Strategies: Not much tactical maneuver -> deceptive wars
Technology: Relatively weak equipment -> Much stronger equipment
- Weapons: prehistoric weapons (sword) -> modern weapons (rocket launchers)
-- Types: Melee, ranged -> Ranged and other deadly weapons (bio weapons etc)
- Communications: Shouting -> Codes

Purpose: World domination -> Defending of territories
-- Peace: When both sides are unable to fight on -> Whenever if possible (peace keeping agencies)

- technological advancements
- More experience with wars
- evolution caused by more wars


  1. Wow. A very nice and unique way to present your points. 2 things you did not talk about which i consider play a very big part in today's society. Youth and Social Media. You might want to consider the benefits and also the disadvantages.

  2. This is an interesting way of summarizing and condensing information into small digestible chunks. I like the way you analyze the topic from many different aspects, giving us a clear view of the changes and advancements in war. However, i think there should be more elaboration on the points, like how the purpose of war changed from world domination to defending of territories, how war changed from targeting cities to targeting cities and key resources and how the civilians change from being neutral to occasionally siding a group with real life examples.

  3. I agree with Tiet Gan that this is a good way of condensing your information.I would already have a basic idea about the development of war when I read finish this post. But I feel that for some points they can be further elaborated, such as the tactics used in different eras, for example human wave attack etc.There should also be more explanation on the guiding principles of war throughout its evolution and also factors that has so far remain unchanged in the history of wars.
