Tuesday, April 12, 2011

War-A personal response

The sky was full of loud bangs, like the roar of the devil; incessant, yet clear cracking sounds, sounds of evil laughing sadistically; and occasionally whizzing sounds, sounds of a swarm of sinister bees plaguing the battlefield. The battlefield literally turned into a cage of smoke, where no one can escape. Lights and fire lit up the cage, but were unable to make it any less ominous. The smell of gunpowder was the insidious, poisonous breathe, whoever who smelt it would die instantly. Inside, the people fought, but they know they would never escape from the monstrous and boundless hand of the devil. They knew it. They would all die...Maybe they would have preferred to die. Maybe they were already dead, because there was no difference between hell and the battlefield...
Beside the scattered debris of the once magnificent apartment, were three soldiers. Two of them were squatting, one with his eyes darting from left to right, obviously on a lookout of attackers. Another was, however, attending to a soldier lying, gravely injured, on the floor. His fare bore mixed expressions of fear and anxiety. The soldier lying on the floor had blood appearing from his nose. His breathing was faint and irregular, it was like as though he had just ran a marathon. His eyes were wide open, pupils dilated. His mouth was agape. A bullet, like the devil's claws, had shot him. Every second, his desperate cling on life becomes weaker. He would be gone soon. Very soon...
The blood from his nose gradually oozed down his pale cheeks, his dark green army attire, and down to the brown soil, and green grass.
When would this war end? When would this pointless bloodshed cease? No one would know. But, we all know something. We all know that the blood would turn the whole battlefield scarlet red...

http://news.bbc.co.uk/today/hi/today/newsid_8492000/8492777.stm - first image